Wednesday, 29 September 2010

VARK Test Results

VARK Test Results

V  =   4
A  =   7
R  =   8
K  =   4


As you can see from looking at my results, they are quite well spread out between the 4 main categories.  Looking into them with more depth you can see that Aural and Reading/Writing are my main forms of learning. I agree with this as I have always enjoyed reading and find it very easy to absorb information from a book, in compliance with this I also agree that my Aural category should be equally as high because I understand a lot easier by hearing it explained too me in depth as opposed to watching someone do it. I was initially shocked to find that my Kinaesthetic level was not quite as high as my Aural and Reading/Writing level as I have always thought of myself as a person who is more hands on. But after some reflective thinking on my results I came to the conclusion that it is not my strongest principal when it comes to learning and understanding something as I often need it explained before hand. I am not surprised my Visual level isn’t very high as I have never really been one to use visual aids as a way of remembering, such as flash cards, or mind maps. As a final conclusion I agree with my results and found little surprising, although my Kinaesthetic result was a little different to what I expected after I had given it some in-depth thought I have come to agree with the outcome.

1 comment:

  1. A very good reflection on your learning style.
    You have now completed your PDP, and have passed.
